Friday, December 5, 2014

"Tango Mike": Photo Gallery

"Tango Mike": Behind the Scenes

"Tango Mike": Behind the Scenes  

The weekend of Nov. 21 marked the end of the Russell Tripp Performance Center’s newest production “Tango Mike.” The play, written and directed by theater instructor Dan Stone, showcased in four different performances spanning three days last month.

Behind the scene is a delicate network that relies on people such as Luke Burrow, sound board operator, He assures the production's professional polish is gleaming. Not only are directors and actors dedicated to the development of the final production.

Wayne Gray plays the role of Cooper, a long haul truck driver who drops in on Buddy’s troubled Albany family. During a brake between scenes Gray gathers his emotions. Gray not only is an actor in "Tango Mike" he is a veteran that contributed to the plots portrayed during the play.

 As "Tango Mike" crescendos in the the second half of its performance, Joe Potts, Carlos in the play, readied himself to fire a pistol back stage simulating a PTSD breakdown.


After a long day of performances at the Russell Trip performance center, the performs of "Tango Mike" soldered on well into the night, as they tore down the set. The actors and stage crew were the play. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

free shoot

Photographic evidence of telekinesis taking place on Oct. 31 2014 At 6:66 P.M.   

The brooding witch casts spells enchanting the mind of Emelia the baby. The efforts invoked bright light emanating from wand-like implements as the witch placed her hand on the brow of the child.      

The child began spewing green ectoplasm-like shmoo from her neck while her entire body flickered from one spot to the next.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Q. WHAT is your Sports/Action subject?

A. OSU football

Q.WHEN and WHERE are you going to shoot it?

A. I went to the Washington State Oregon State game Nov. 8 at Reaser stadium. 
  1. Karl talked about his “Checklist” for every assignment he shoots. Your checklist must include an “overall,” “medium” and a “closeup/detail” shot. List your:



  1. WHO is your primary contact for this assignment?
TOPIC 2: TWITTER SHOUTOUT -- Using Twitter, send out a comment and link to the best photo you’ve taken this term. Be sure to include the PHOTO as well as the LINK and include #JN134 so the rest of us can check it out.

Lastly, copy and paste a copy of your tweet into this week’s Forum. Thanks.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 6

Debbie Bui is new to skateboarding. She doesn't let that get in the way of ripping it up at the Corvallis Skate Park. 

Down town Corvallis is busy at the corner of fourth street and Jackson most evenings between 4-9 p.m..  

Steve Druckenmiller is the Linn County Clerk. He ran unopposed in his last election. He recently made his offices available for a tour of the County Clerks Office to reporters from The Commuter.

TOPIC 1: GUEST SPEAKER -- On Monday, photographer Karl Maasdam will talk to our class about photojournalism in general, and sports, in particular.
Look at Karl’s website,, especially the sports photos.

Q.Pick out a photo that you like. Post a copy and a LINK, and tell WHY that photo stands out to you. Anything you notice about the techniques used to take the photo? EXPLAIN.
A.This is a wonderful shot in my opinion. I feel like the angle the shot was taking in provides an interesting perspective. The depth of field is elliptical to me.  

Q.Now, in anticipation of Karl’s visit, write THREE QUESTIONS you plan to ask when Karl is here.

A1. What camera do you prefer?
A2. What is the best 85mm lens in your opinion? 
A3. Do you prefer morning sun or afternoon sun? 

TOPIC 2: MY NEIGHBORHOOD --  Go beyond the captions to discuss your photos for the “My Neighborhood” assignment

Q.What was your biggest challenge in shooting/editing this assignment?

A. Determining my exact neighborhood was my first concern. The second was deciding what would work the best as-far-as material was concerned.

Q.Which photo do you think turned out best?  What elements make that your favorite image? How did planning pay off?

A.The shot of downtown Corvallis it my favorite. but they're all good?

Q.If you had this assignment to do over again, what would you do different? (Note: Saying you would start earlier is not an option. D’oh!)

A. Take more shots!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

week 5 blog fourm

Q.What makes the photo story interesting?  What got your attention?  

A.Bounty hunters pg. 236 is interesting to me because of how old-west the whole productions of the bounty hunters seems to be. They don't seem to be handling the weapons in a very professional manner. Another interesting point I experienced while viewing the images and captions from the story was the amount of excitement the images were. I bet that story was a total rush to film.
Q.What TWO CHALLENGES did the photographer face in getting the images?

A. The photographer put himself in a dangerous  position regarding his safety. I have,on more that one occasion this term, been startled when people have walked right up on me while i was engrossed in framing up the best shot of my life. While shooting it is important to keep your head on a swivel just in case.
B. The photographer  had to ask himself along the way if he would be casting the group in a negative light. He had to be thoughtful of the stakeholders in the story.
  Q.Describe the THEME, VISUAL CONSISTENCY and whether there was a NARRATIVE.
A. the theme  was hectic and raw. He captured the tension of the different arrests. 
Q.What TECHNIQUES or APPROACHES from this project can you use in shooting your photo story (see below)?

A. I plan to capture true moments with the family I have selected to follow for my story. Although I don't have the hostilities to deal with like in this story. i will Aim to captures their struggles and their achievements from a candied vantage. I want people to have an emotional reaction to the story.

Class questions 

1: Bounty hunters pg. 236 

2: The setting for the shots was dangerous. It was fast passed.

3. Human interest

4. Candid/ fast shutter speeds.