Friday, December 5, 2014

"Tango Mike": Behind the Scenes

"Tango Mike": Behind the Scenes  

The weekend of Nov. 21 marked the end of the Russell Tripp Performance Center’s newest production “Tango Mike.” The play, written and directed by theater instructor Dan Stone, showcased in four different performances spanning three days last month.

Behind the scene is a delicate network that relies on people such as Luke Burrow, sound board operator, He assures the production's professional polish is gleaming. Not only are directors and actors dedicated to the development of the final production.

Wayne Gray plays the role of Cooper, a long haul truck driver who drops in on Buddy’s troubled Albany family. During a brake between scenes Gray gathers his emotions. Gray not only is an actor in "Tango Mike" he is a veteran that contributed to the plots portrayed during the play.

 As "Tango Mike" crescendos in the the second half of its performance, Joe Potts, Carlos in the play, readied himself to fire a pistol back stage simulating a PTSD breakdown.


After a long day of performances at the Russell Trip performance center, the performs of "Tango Mike" soldered on well into the night, as they tore down the set. The actors and stage crew were the play. 

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