Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Q. WHAT is your Sports/Action subject?

A. OSU football

Q.WHEN and WHERE are you going to shoot it?

A. I went to the Washington State Oregon State game Nov. 8 at Reaser stadium. 
  1. Karl talked about his “Checklist” for every assignment he shoots. Your checklist must include an “overall,” “medium” and a “closeup/detail” shot. List your:



  1. WHO is your primary contact for this assignment?
TOPIC 2: TWITTER SHOUTOUT -- Using Twitter, send out a comment and link to the best photo you’ve taken this term. Be sure to include the PHOTO as well as the LINK and include #JN134 so the rest of us can check it out.

Lastly, copy and paste a copy of your tweet into this week’s Forum. Thanks.

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