Sunday, October 26, 2014



TOPIC 1: NPPA CODE OF ETHICS -- Look at the National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics on page 357 of your textbook, or posted on Moodle.
Q.Which item in the “Code of Ethics” section do you find most compelling? EXPLAIN WHY that stands out.
   A."Be complete and provide context when photographing or recording subjects. Avoid stereotyping individuals and groups. Recognize and work to avoid presenting one's own biases in the work." (NPPA)
A2.  How I view a subject has a lot to do with               my preconceived notions about a setting or a person might influence me to take the shot i was not the shot that best captures the moment.

Q. Next, look at the list under “Ideally, photojournalists should …” Again, pick the item that most stands out for you and EXPLAIN WHY you think it matters.
A. One time in the office of the commuter Ron made all of us group up to get a picture and it sucked. A natural shot of the group sitting around talking would have been much better in my opinion.

TOPIC 2: FAVORITE PHOTOS -- As we approach the midpoint of the term, let’s do a shoutout for some of your fellow students’ work.
Q.Go through the class blog and pick out TWO PHOTOS BY TWO DIFFERENT STUDENTS other than yourself that you appreciate.

 Marie helps me out and others at the financial aid office at 8:30A.
(by Richard)

                      Katie Bentson prepared for game against Umpqua on Friday.
(By Andrew) 
Then tell why you like the photo (e.g. great subject, angle, use of light, details in the caption). Be sure to include LINKS to your favorite photos!
A)I think this shot speaks for itself
B) Wow nice shot Andrew! This shot captures the intensity it take to be an athlete. There is no mistaking her intentions!  
If somebody already has written about a certain photo, please pick another. Thanks.

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