Friday, October 17, 2014


 Q.List TWO possible subjects for your Environmental Portrait and Mug Shot.  For each subject note:

Q.His or her name

A.Cooper Pawson, Yuling Zhou

Q.Your subject’s “claim to fame”

A.Commuter staff members

Q.The best environment in which to shoot this person

A.Sports stadium for Copper. Art Room Photo editing space.  

Q.Props that would work best

A. Cooper's shots would have sports memorabilia influence. Yuling's would be good with cameras and a mac.  

Q.How you plan to contact this person?

A. Email


Q.SELF-CRITIQUE --  Now that you’ve been committing photojournalism for a few weeks …

A.I feel that i'm getting better at getting into the shot. Not worrying about how i look is the best bit of help. 

Q.What is the BEST PHOTO you’ve taken for this class, and WHY is it your best? (Post a copy of it!)

A. Benjjiman's silhouette is my favorite.


Q.What is the WORST PHOTO you’ve posted on your blog so far, and WHY did it turn out that way? (Post a copy, or not ...)

A. The courtyard shots got messed up during the editing process.


Q.What SKILL do you feel you most have to improve to raise the quality of your photos?


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